Your first impression of Ukraine when you visit our country that there are a lot of beautiful women in the street. Ukrainian women like to look sensational and spectacular, though many will not admit it.
From an outside point of view it seems as if we are making very little effort. For a Ukrainian woman, her worst nightmare would be getting caught out in public without makeup and not looking perfect.As for me, I can go to the bakery with painted lips and heels or in sneakers and no makeup. It can be said that the Ukrainian woman devotes a lot of time and money to self-care. A healthy lifestyle is popular among Ukrainian women, and most of us take part in fitness, yoga, pilates, running in the morning, eating healthy foods, and disregardIng fast food. What about me you ask? I'm a lazy bone, my sport is foot walking.
Ukrainian women always have answers to questions and an opinion about everything, and it sometimes seems like we know everything in the world! We often know more about the life of the inhabitants of another country than they know about themselves:)
Ukrainian women have many admirable qualities; we are curious, interested in politics, culture, and we like to travel around the world. Ukrainian women are also characterized by their responsiveness. We are always ready to help and give advice, even if you didn't ask us! And I think, perhaps most importantly, is that one of the main character traits an Ukrainian woman should have is kindness.
Yeah, that's us, Ukrainian women!
(More in the next article)
(photographer Kirill Gorskiy)
Now I must visit Ukraine after reading this 😁💯👍👌
Beautifully presented with Wonderful article 👏👍👍
Beautifully prepared. Congratulations
Very beautiful women, I need to get me one? Thanking Yoo for sharing this.
A fantastic article introducing the virtues of the beautiful and smart Ukrainian woman. It seems I need to go to Ukraine now.

Very good!